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Rehabilitation and our functional results after finger replantations


Objectives: In this study the results of patients who got our regular rehabilitation program for replantations at and distal to the metacarpophalangeal joint level were evaluated retrospectively.

Methods: Sixty thumbs and/or fingers in 48 patients with different level amputations operated between 2000 and 2005 were evaluated. Of the 48 patients, 25 were men and 23 were women. The mean age was 26.31 (range: 6-55) years. The mean follow up time was 16 (range: 6- 48) months. The rehabilitation started at forth to eight postoperative week and continued until the end of sixth month. The evaluation were performed assessing the joint range of motions, performance of the related part in daily activities, cosmetic appearance and the satisfaction of the patient according to Tamai criteria.

Results: The functional results of 23 patients (% 47.91) were graded perfect, 19 patients (%39.58) were good, 4 patients (%8.33) were average and 2 patients were (%4.16) poor accoring to Tamai criteria.

Conclusion: Rehabilitation after finger replantations is tough due to the complex anatomy, but results are satisfying over the long term. Postoperative rehabilitation should start as soon as possible. During this period the surgeon, the patient and the physiotherapist should be in a very intimate collaboration. It is observed that functional result in patients who went good along with the rehabilitation program, splint usage and home practices is better.

Key words: Amputation, rehabilitation, replantation.