Hand Surgery
Hand surgery is a surgery branch dealing with the diseases and therapy of the body part, starting from the shoulder to the fingertips, called upper extremity. Our hands have a vital importance to meet our basic needs and to make a production. Temporary or permanent injuries on our hands, resulting in damaging hand fuctions, affects our lives dramatically. Different structures in the upper extremity such as bones, muscles, tendons, blood vessels, nerves, connective tissues function in a harmony. Damages in this harmony caused by various diseases, trauma, congenital problems are the cases of interest of hand surgery.

Microsurgery is a surgical technique, enables magnifying the surgical field using operation microscope or special glasses(loops). We can treat the problems with the help of these tools, which are hardly seen by naked eye. Microsurgery gives us the opportunity to replant the amputated parts and reconstruct injured parts caused by industrial accidents, traffic accidents, cuts by differents objects etc…

Physiotherapy is an essential supplementary treatment especially after hand surgeries. Complete recovery is almost impossible if the patient does not get proper physiotherapy and rehabilitation support even if the operation is very successful. The goal of rehabilitation is to improve the functions of the hand and the patient’s life quality. The rehabilitation period of the hand after operation varies according to the injury and the type of operation. The goal of treatment is to start the therapy as soon as possible and send the patient back to his or her job in a very short time.